My Life Not Yours
My podcast is about the intricacies of life be it told from a mature model who found fame at 55, the man who founded prison radio, a spoken word artist who suffered mental health challenges, a renown DJ who's life is a kaleidoscope of adventure and of course, my no nonsense life experiences. Wrapped around real talk with real people (including myself), I go deep and bare all and encourage others to do the same.
Lean in & listen to some life lessons - you won't be disappointed.
My Life Not Yours
The Curse of Expectation
I thought I would address the 'curse of expectation' and how to manage expectations. These expectations happen when our hopes, standards, or assumptions about life, people, or outcomes lead to disappointment, stress, or frustration.
I talk about how common they are in relationships, careers, school and life in general.
Lean in and listen and enjoy!
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E101 - The curse of expectation
I have made it home. I'm aching.
However, before I came to do this episode.
Their their stories were all splattered over Facebook and that's how they knew this.
Man had killed his wife or something like that. It was bizarre anyway.
I digress, but I thought I'd just share that with you.
It's a belief or anticipation about what is likely to happen in the future.
You know, jobs, relationships, everything kind of.
Others are going through things.
In the case of the jobs I did.
Five job applications on Friday.
Expectations were unrealistic.
Media posts aren't always really.
I'm not living in the moment. I'm living all the all the way down the line to say.
Seeing expectations as a tunnel that can only lead to one destination.
Yeah, that happiness can be short lived, and I think there's an example here for me that.
I can be a quick please type of person that sounds a bit rude, doesn't it?
Fantastic. And when I went there, I remember walking into the.
When you feel frustrated with yourself of failing to meet unrealistic goals.
And it gives me pleasure and my.
Lie there and listen to a podcast. But when I walk and stuff.
Because I want my mind to be free and.
An expectation or when you're expecting something, ask yourself this.
Even with the best intentions.
School exams peer and parental.
Answers on a postcard or what they represent please and.
The teaching is robust, people always excel.
You know, that's for, you know, an intimate relationship, etcetera.
And I know it's the curse of my background, and I messed up, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
Still wrap their arm around me and and I don't feel.
Amazing everything and I just want to say to her.
Whether it includes promotions.
Celebrities doing these podcasts and get amazing guests.