My Life Not Yours
My podcast is about the intricacies of life be it told from a mature model who found fame at 55, the man who founded prison radio, a spoken word artist who suffered mental health challenges, a renown DJ who's life is a kaleidoscope of adventure and of course, my no nonsense life experiences. Wrapped around real talk with real people (including myself), I go deep and bare all and encourage others to do the same.
Lean in & listen to some life lessons - you won't be disappointed.
My Life Not Yours
When Opportunity Knocks
When opportunity knocks, it's like the universe sending you a personal invitation to step into a new adventure. It might be a chance to pursue a dream, try something new, or overcome a challenge. The key is to be ready to seize it when it comes. That might mean being prepared, staying open-minded, and having the courage to take a leap of faith. Because sometimes, the doors that opportunity opens can lead to incredible journeys and unexpected blessings.
Lean in & listen to see how you don't miss an opportunity when it comes knocking!
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E86 - when opportunity knocks
What's up my beautiful people? Here we go again with another episode of my life, not yours. And I want to thank a couple of people for being you listeners and increasing those who didn't who do listen to me. That's great. Sorry for the nasally sound. Today I am suffering from hay fever. And I've just visited a friend who I realised had a cat in the house. So that's really set me off a little bit today. But also, I just have got this really nasty cough. That's, I know, I've had it before. And people have mentioned it. But I'm taking Chinese medicine for my hay fever, and I don't think it's working. Anyway, enough of that. We are at the beginning of May, how this year is suddenly becoming really quick. Well, how this year is quickly moving, before you know it, we blinked and we'll be at Christmas again, which I really don't want to bring on. But you know, it's May. It's cold today in the UK, for those who not in the UK. And I'm thinking when are we going to get some beautiful weather. It looks like it's about to piss down with rain. This is Saturday when I'm recording this, and you'll be getting this on Monday. So yeah, I've been out this morning, which is great. And here I am now with this episode, which is all about opportunity knocks. And it's funny because in the UK, there used to be this programme called opportunity knocks and it was all about talent. But this opportunity knocks I've always been intrigued with that saying, and what it actually means and do people really seize the opportunity when it comes around. Because a lot of people don't. One of my many miracles because you know, I do my rituals in the morning is about getting back working in sport, entertainment, etc. And the interesting thing is, when you ask the universe for what you want, I, I want to be presented with sport and entertainment opportunities. What's happened is you don't always know what way that is going to come into your life, what format and I have now been catapulted back into an old career that I well, I can hardly call it a career, basically, I'm going to start personal training some people. And it all came about because someone has said, when I went to have a look at a session they were doing in athletics with kids, oh, you should do it again, Tina, you're a great teacher, and whatever. So I sort of looked at group fitness. And then basically, there was a conversation that took place in a waiting room while I was waiting to get my massage with the receptionist. And she was saying she wanted to work on this and why we've got this fat here, etc, etc. And I educated her. And basically what happened, I'm now going to be personal training her. And so you see, the opportunity was there it not and I took it, there are signs, but some of us are so blind to the signs and want everything in a literal format. So if I ever thought about, you know, I want to get back working, as in day job nine to five, which I still do sport and entertainment but didn't see the opportunity. What presented itself sport, physical, you're good idea. Just let it go. We need to be more open to opportunities. And how do you know when opportunity knocks? Does opportunity knock at all? Or is it your responsibility to ignite that a little bit and knock on opportunities door? So let's open this up a little bit. Adopting an opportunity mindset is pretty key. I would say what does it really take to adopt a mindset which enables you to knock on an open the doors you seek? Think about it think about a time when an opportunity presented itself. But you did not win it or go for it. What was going on? Was the timing off? Did you follow your gut and as a result, choose not to pursue it? Or did you back away because you lack the confidence which I have done so many times. A lot of people and I've said this before sim is extrovert and whatever. But I've now started opening up to people that I think sometimes my opportunity, sorry, my opportunity, my confidence is lacking. Because there's been times I think opportunities have been there. And it's either one or two things competence or laziness, because you need to step up and knock on that door. When you're faced with an opportunity. You need to do something about it. And you need to focus on being opportunistic. So just like the personal training, I'm so excited about it now because I think other opportunities will come from that. And it's a little bit like this podcast, people keep saying what do you want out of this podcast? And I was asked this by somebody I met up with on Tuesday because I'm networking heavily at the moment to try and get more work. And I said I see this as a bit of a hobby. It's like someone may go and paint to relax. I find it quite therapeutic, being open and honest with you talking about what I want. But they said, Well, you know, you do have a great voice nasally or not. And perhaps if you get a celebrity on that could open up a lot of doors. But guess what, they gave me guidance. And I said, but whenever you put a butt in front of something, you are creating a barrier, you are creating a barrier that doesn't really need to be there because my book was, look, how many podcasts have celebrities, Stephen Bartlett, one of my idols for podcasts. You know, he's a diary of a CEO guy I've spoken about before, is there's not anybody that guy cannot get to interview on his show. So then I think, why would anybody wants to come on Tina Malcolm's little podcast that gets about 200 downloads and I must say, people, if you are listening to my podcast, please tell people because for me to get any recognition higher than what I'm doing. I need to be having 2000 downloads an episode, can you believe it? Anyway, back to opportunity. Do not wait for an opportunity to knock you need to knock first sometimes. So here's another example where I got bold in going for an opportunity, which surprisingly, wait for it isn't in my nature. There's this guy called chef dorm that won a reality TV programme for cookery find the next great five star chef. It aired in the UK in 2023. And what happened is the price was he could open or take over a space in a five star restaurant. In this case, it was the Langham in London, and basically change it into his own and run a restaurant for I don't know if it six months, but he got extended. He is a chef who is of Caribbean descent. He loves Caribbean food and the stuff that he was presenting on this TV programme was amazing. But what happened is there was a hype, especially in the black community about going to the shift on Taylor's restaurant, the good front room, it took ages to get in, I went with some friends for Christmas. But it took us three months to get a book in that's how popular this thing was. And it was great it was there could have been things that are better. But for the one of everything. It was cool. And there was a community. I'd heard him being interviewed on radio, probably three weeks before Christmas. Now I'm lying, I'm lying. It was way before that was in November, let's say November time for argument saying, oh, you know, I might help need help with my social media. I didn't take any notice of this. Even though I do a bit of social media. I just didn't take anything of it. I didn't take anything away from that. However, not not. In the new year, I'm sitting on my sitting in my bed one morning thinking Tina, you need to start going bold in going after stuff. You can't just sit and wait for jobs or opportunities to come to you need to knock. And I decided I went back to that conversation I'd heard on the radio. And I thought I could do that. Let me go to him. Let me write a really cool note. And so I did, I wrote this email to him. Because in my mind, I knew how to operate this one. And I thought you need me that was my whole catch. And you need me, I can really help you. And I wrote this in, say mid March. And, you know, I got his address. And everything from his website, wrote this note. And guess what, Good Friday, he responded, it was about three weeks later, but he responded and said, I really liked your email, it was really open. I love your approach, I would love to meet to see what you can do for me. Now. Unfortunately, we haven't managed to pin this down because we had a meeting he had to cancel. He's now finished his residency at this hotel. So he's gone off travelling, but his Pa said he still wants to speak to you. My point in all of this is I went after an opportunity. I don't know where it's gonna go or where it's gonna lead to. But it was that and it's the same with the personal training, because actually, it was on my vision board about group exercise and whatever. As well as mentoring with young people, as was reaching out to Chef DOM and somebody else. And what I've basically done now is use certain situations to be bold and ask for something. And there's another example Steve Bartlett, who I've just mentioned, he has he's running a really successful flight Story Group, which is a marketing agency with loads of different offshore off cuts or stats or whatever bits to it. And you put an advert out on LinkedIn saying I don't want to have a CV I don't want me to I don't want an application. I want you to tell me why. What job if you came into my company you would do and why. So I hit this one a bit too late to be fair, but it was an interesting process going through it.
I wrote this amazing A note with the help of a friend in America. Thank you fredda, who helped me construct this letter, which really was in my own language. And what happened is I just done a copywriting course online, so utilised to shine through and say, what it was that I wanted. And what I felt I could offer in terms of value to his company, sent it off, didn't hear anything, I think it was a bit late, there would have been absolutely millions of people that want to work with this guy. So but what it did do is, I had this letter that I've then used as cover letters for other bits and pieces. And the association was the Bartlett is quite funny because I had a dream about him the other day. And basically, I dreamt I'd walked in to this room and asked to see him. And we sat with some friends. And then suddenly, we were sorry, I was sat in this lounge type office environment. And all these people that were working for him just seemed so cool. They were just either at the snooker table with laptops, it was just really weird. It's very vivid. And then he walks in the man himself. And it's not like he's got 20 feet. He's just been a very successful entrepreneur. And he's a young guy. So he walks in, he can't see me at the moment, but then he comes over and asks for my telephone number, and I'm in my dream, I can physically feel myself writing the number down, but I don't feel it's legible. And I don't want to lose the opportunity for him not to get in touch with me. So I'll write it again. I'll write it again. And then I'm out with friends again. And he walks in to this friendship group. So So why did you not come to see why did you come to see me? He casually sits on his lounge, sorry, on this sofa and says, Why did you come to see me? You need and I said you need me and your company. He laughs I tell him he's arrogant. But I love the approach. The morale to this story is the morale. The moral to the story is who knows what that dream is meant to be. But I woke up knowing that I had to seize an opportunity and do a random not first scenario. So you know what, what's your space? My people watch this space, because I actually then went and applied for another job a bit more traditional. I didn't put a lot of effort into it if I'm honest, and nothing came of it. But hey, hope I was acting on I'd had a dream. And another application to come up. It might have been Sara Sara. The, what's it called? Serendipity? Maybe not. Anyway, what I've been guilty for in the past was saying something willy nilly, and not working for it somewhat wanting something to land in my lap without, you know, really doing anything at all. So I think that, you know, applying for the flight story, group or job after the one where it was just no application. It was meant to be I think, regardless of what happens, so Knock, knock, who's there opportunity, when you hear opportunity knocking, it's up to you to really answer that call and be tuned in because we are educated to solve problems, not recognise opportunities. And you know, the amount of times people will sit there and be talking to me, I said, you do know you could have done this without, don't you. And I'm always very good at giving the bloody advice. But you know, sometimes teen you need to take it on yourself, we have to stay alert, we have to stay vigilant and tune into our bodies and minds. So that we see them when they present themselves. It's up to each of us to seize the opportunities, regardless of the outcome. And I remember it's really weird, right? I think earlier on this year, I was having a drink with a friend in a pub. And I just had my operation for Christmas. And I was in the pub, we started getting talked to by these guys, one guy in particular. And it was a bit of fun. And they offered us a drink and we declined. We've been in there all afternoon just connecting. And it's funny when I mentioned the story to another male friend of mine, I was out with a female friend, he said, You couldn't even tell that you were being chatted up. Because this guy was challenging me about fitness classes or we had a gym or whatever around the corner and I was brushing it off. And he kept coming back at me I couldn't even recognise that there was an opportunity. But you know what, my people I know I need a partner but I didn't fancy him so but the fact is, I didn't even see the signs I just thought was a bit of banter, blah, blah, blah, because I am so tuned in to people not just talking to you, or the opposite sex talking to you in an environment like that. I didn't even pick up on it. Anyway, we need to connect we need to identify people who may be able to help us on our journey, reach out to them and I did that this week as well. I reached out to two people one that I worked with at Nike back in 2003 456. And also somebody else around that time and it was just really nice, but unfortunately whilst it was good and they gave me great advice, I came home feeling just a tad low. I'm not sure. I was a bit flatlined, and I think someone's Let's say you've just come back from Croatia, where you've been around with people all the time. And what we forget is, you know, I work for myself or work from home, I'm not coming home to anybody. So actually, I can go five days, and I don't see or hear anybody. So that becomes quite isolating. And what I realised is that we need to plan and prepare our days, which I'm usually I'm very good at. I think I just came back from buzzy, Buzzy, Buzzy, I'm around people for five days. And then I've come back I'm on my own, my whole focus is work and boom, nothing's really happening. So I'm out there looking for these opportunities, we have to put our game face on, we have to be optimistic and have this kind of positive disposition, which is hard sometimes. But if you need to re energise yourself, you need to be around people that are going to help you do that. You have to rely on yourself, and you have to make your own success and opportunity. You know, sometimes I was just telling a friend this morning that when I said to him, you know, it's been one of those weeks. And he said, potenial really good at networking, and whatever. I said, Look, I'm not depressed, I'm just a bit flat, and I hold myself accountable for it, if you are going to set any type of goal, which I've got now with my what I want in work, and so forth. And being a bit bold, I have to hold myself accountable for ensuring it is met it each step along the way, I have to decide whether to pursue it, or change the approach and then move forward with my plan. It's completely fair game to change direction, you don't have to stay on the same path. And they there is always modifications you can make based on your information. And I've done that, actually, I'm trying to think we are trying to look at a workshop to put on a marketing workshop of a friend and I or business colleague and I. And we changed our approach slightly because we wanted to do the research and so forth, because that will give us a an insight as to whether is this a viable way? Or is it not. And I think everybody seizing opportunities needs to be a bit of a priority. And the reason why I say that because Time passes so fast. You don't want to get to the point when you're living with massive regret over things you haven't done. And I hear it all the time. I wish I'd oh my god I should have done. And you don't want to let the pain of regret, become that reality. It should be your priority to do the things now that really mean something to you, whether it's things you should have done before or whether it's new things, you have a responsibility to your goddamn self to go after them. And I just had a conversation with somebody last night, I said you want to be happy, right? So you know, you need to sit, you need to sort that situation, finish with that certain situation and move on to be happy. If you want something. If you want to do something, if you want to be something. If you want to achieve something, go for it. Give yourself permission to seize that opportunity and decide to take the opportunity. This is your life now. The reason why I'm even more focused on this this week is because in our news, it feels like the UK is going through total anarchy at the moment, this guy brandishing a samurai sword means at least three people and killed a 14 year old boy not far at work. I was gonna say not far is quite far from me in London, but on the other side in London, and you know what it was that really got me this 14 year old boy, when he stepped out of his door that morning, ready to go to school any and II ended up dead. Now, you look at that and you think I have to have a live each day like it's my last or if there's an opportunity there's knockin, bloody, we'll take it, develop a clear vision for what you want. Bring those opportunities to life, I'm seeing it more and more now with people talking about retirement, they don't have a plan. Or somebody else said to me the other day, I left my job back in x. And my life has just dive bombed into nothingness because I haven't got a plan. So imagine, if you could have anything your heart desires. Imagine if you could seize the opportunity of a lifetime, the moment it presents itself. If you do, then you'll be put in your brains reticular I love this activating system and to function. And that can be the difference between achieving your dreams or living a life of quiet desperation. And basically to explain that when you focus on something that something
either vacation, you're going to take the meat in your bags go into the new dress you want but can't afford just yet the new house you'd like to be in the project. You want to launch blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. The focus instantly creates ideas and thought patterns around that. And I know this too well because I'll dream about it. I think the idea has become different. Because they're focusing on something that I want. Even your physiology will respond to an image in your head as if it were reality. And this is in a book by David Allen called Getting Things Done. So for all the procrastinators out there, go get his book. I resonate with this so much as I do a lot of focus and visualisation. And my friend's son just went for a ballet ballet audition, and another friend who I went to visit her with and said, you know, said to him, her son, you know, if you get a recall where you do some visualisation about it, because it's powerful. And I love my vision boards, I've got one on my phone. And, you know, they said, Oh, can you do one for me, because it's, you know, you look at it every day, you're visualising something like, I'm visualising my new shed, I'm visualising my new passage, I'm visualising now, the job I want to be in or the consultancy that I'm going to do. The lesson here is to develop a clear mental picture of what you want. Keep that vision in mind and imagine it regularly. This will prime your mind to stay on the lookout for opportunities around those dreams and realities that you want. Set some goals. I hate this, you know, we also set goals, but we do. I've set a goal for my friend just last night, I said, you want rid of a situation, do it by your birthday. Because they will willy nilly go through life. And it's just like me, I really want this. But you can't have that until you sort that once you have a goal, your brain looks for different opportunities to help you bring it to life. It looks for actions you can take or the ideas that might help you achieve a given goal. take consistent action. Listen, I've been the worst at this. Sometimes I'll sit here and think, yeah, I want to do personal trainer, I do nothing about it. But this time, I haven't I feel really proud because you need to envision a detailed desired outcome of what you want. So with the personal training, my vision is, I've already seen myself training this person. And my long term vision of that is they're going to bring a friend and tell people about me. And that's where it's going to build. And I love it. I love improving people's fitness and actually motivate me to lose a bit of weight as well. So it's great. Once you've done that, you've got to take deliberate action towards that desired outcome. And so think about these actions that you can take step one, think about an area of your life you'd like to change for the better. Imagine what it would look and feel like if you're able to change this area of your life. So let's say this is so boring for me something about again, but let's say I want a partner in my life. They say the experts say you need to make space for them in your home. Don't think singularly you have to visualise going to things with them what that feels like, think about the best possible scenario and the outcome that could occur. If everything were to go exactly the way you want it to go. Look, Nothing's ever perfect. But you don't need to worry about that right now. Take this vision Step Two that you've created in your mind from step one and write it down as a goal. When I've written it down, I want to meet and I want to man I want to man, but what I haven't done, oh yes, I have online, it says Be as detailed as possible. And I've done that I've said exactly what I want, what they would look like how they come across. And then step three, break that goal, say the man down into several small steps that needs to be taken for you to achieve it. And if you're not sure about what steps you need to take to achieve your goal, then you first step is to start your first step is to start reading, researching and gathering knowledge. And a lot of people don't read you know, we're all over social media reading shit, read a bloody book, or listen to something it's gonna help you, you might need to talk to someone who's already done what you want to do, or find an inspiring podcast that can help fast track your way to success like mine. The main idea is this, you need to decide on some sort of action you can do right now to progress your goal. And so all of mine for finding a partner is being out with the honest to actually not just my friends who know that but people I don't know so well. And saying I'm on a dating site. I said it to a client who I get on really well with. I'm on this club. I'm on this data site, and I'm sure I saw someone that you know, because then they know Oh, Tina is looking for someone and what if they have someone in their circle? That's not known to me and say, Tina, would you be up for a blind date? Yay, bring it own. Another example apart from me and my men. You want to start a business. start researching how to get a business licence and all the things that go for with it and what your customer looks like. I mean, I've run a workshop on that so you can also come to me. You want a new car, go to the dealership Test Drive, do that it's research the messages, do something, anything to get the ball rolling, don't procrastinate and have it all on words. And I used to be a bit like this, I do the most amazing mind maps, and do f all about it. Step four, remain consistent, and keep taking action. Because if you keep taking those small steps towards those goals, you'll need to set up another one and another one and another one along the way. You'll notice different ideas and opportunities that you can leverage towards achieving your goal a few others to consider mentally prepare yourself get relevant knowledge, skills and support and tools to help make the most of potential opportunities. Again, I did it with the PT. network with people I'm good at networking, that old chestnut, but you gain new insights, perspectives and understanding, let's face it, most opportunities come through people, because people drive opportunity. As the saying goes, it's not what you know. It's who you know, and love. Do I know that one when I met up with this girl that I used to work with in Nike? And I said to her about sports and entertainment, she said, Look, if you want to get into GymShark let me know about someone in there if you want to get into this one, blah, blah, blah. Just come to me, Tina. So you see the opportunity was there and I'm using it. Question everything asked questions that challenge you to think outside the box in a creative way about your life and circumstance. Many opportunities come to us wrapped in sheep's clothing. i That's my little saying it could be totally wrong in a covert way and slip under your radar. unravel it ask the questions to my friends who are think also listens to this what you do in about your food truck business potentially in Cambridgeshire. What you doing? How far have you got with that take calculated risks, weigh up the pros and cons then act quickly to make the most of an opportunity. Now I find this interesting, and this could be debatable. As I start coming to an end of this episode, people supposedly with these seven traits, seeing to seize opportunities in life, strong sense of self awareness, they get to know themselves really well. So you need to get to know yourself better and be honest with yourself. reflect on past experiences, identify passions and values, and understand your strengths and your weaknesses, and what your weaknesses are, how our thoughts help you out. So
if you want to set up that food business, but your witnesses marketing, who'd you go to maybe 1018 productivity, don't wait around because the responsibility of creating opportunities is also in your hands. It is your responsibility to create opportunities. It really is you need to be proactive. Persistence, life is riddled with obstacles and setbacks. Those who seize opportunities, never give up no matter what. And you know what I rate these people, whether it's on the track, or if it's going for a job and so forth. There are so many optimism. Think of those around you who have a positive outlook on life. It's motivating because they try new things and seize opportunities. And sometimes I look at some of these entrepreneurs and they're always doing something there's a guy that I met at my last mentoring kind of scheme, and he's just set up something else this week. I just really love it. And, you know, it's motivating. Because when they try new things and seize opportunities that others may overlook due to fear or doubt, they're the ones that just go on and succeed, even if it fails. Optimism absolutely fuels their resilience, creativity, and willingness to take risks is 100%. They're also open minded. They're open to I'm not trying to say here, they're open to ideas and perspectives. And that leads to opportunities because others may miss that because they happen. They're adaptable. And it's a must is a must to be adaptable, because it empowers you to navigate through licence certainties and seize the opportunities that these uncertainties often bring. So seize an opportunity through uncertainty. Courage, this is a biggie. seizing opportunities often involves taking risks and stepping out of your comfort zone. It requires courage. But courageous individuals are not fearless. They feel fear. Yes, they do. But they just don't let it stop them pursuing their goals. And you see fear has stopped me so many times. Fear from back in the day. One is travel. I've kind of overcome that a little bit more and recognise that yeah, it can be a bit boring on my own, but I still have done it. They understand this is courageous people that fear is a natural part of life and that overcoming it often leads to personal growth and success. Courage also means standing up for what you believe in. Even when it's unpopular or difficult with all of that, I think it's time to step out of your comfort zone, my beautiful people step out of your comfort zone, the ability to take risk by stepping outside of your comfort zone is wait for it the primary way in which we grow. But we're really scared to take the first step. So let me just run through 10 ways to step out your comfort zone and overcome your fear. And actually, you should read a book called face the fear and do it anyway or something like that by Susan Jeffries. So number one, become aware of what's outside of your comfort zone. What are the things that you believe are worth doing, but are afraid of doing yourself because of the potential for disappointment or failure, less than the amount of times I've thought about, I'm going to fail at that. So I'm not doing it. It's just rubbish. You need to draw a circle and write those things down. outside the circle, this process will allow you to clear clearly identify your discomfort, but your comfort, right, Your Comfort inside the circle and your discomfort outside. Number two, become clear about what you're aiming to overcome. Take the list of those discomforts and go deep. Remember, the primary emotion you're trying to overcome is fear. Are you afraid of waking up? Waking up? Are you afraid of walking up to people and introducing yourself in a social situation? Why you might be a bit of an introvert, you might be a bit shy? Is it because you're insecure about the sound of your own voice? Or the things I've just said? Are you afraid of being ignored? Let's talk about dating. The half the reason why men do not approach women and this is based on data. In fact, they don't want to be rejected. Number three, get comfortable with discomfort. And I will say get comfortable with the uncomfortable. That's my saying one way to get outside of your comfort zone is to literally expand it, make it a goal number four, see failure. As a teacher, listen, you learn from failure. I'd rather do that than not do anything at all. So take a shot at your dreams. Number five, take baby steps. Don't try to jump outside your comfort zone in big leaps. Because you'll be overwhelmed. Number six, hang out with risk takers. Now I love this one because you know I get inspired, there is no substitute for this step. If you want to become better at something, you must start hanging out with the people who are doing what you want to do, and start emulating them or being influenced with them. Because it will help you start and have an effect on your behaviour. Number seven, be honest with yourself when you're trying to make excuses. Don't just say, Oh, I don't just have the time for this right now step be honest and say, I'm afraid to do it. Don't make those excuses. Just Own Your truth, you will be in a better place for it when you confront what it is that is truly bothering you and increase your chance of moving forward. Number eight, identify how stepping out will benefit you what will the ability to engage in public speaking do for your personal and professional growth. For example, keep these potential benefits in mind as motivation to push through fear. And don't take yourself too seriously. Learn to laugh at yourself when you make mistakes. Risk taking will inevitably involve failure and setbacks or will sometimes make you look foolish. And focus on the fun. Enjoy the process of coming out of your comfort zone. Enjoy the fun of discovering things about who you are, what they can do for you, that you may not have been aware of previously, my people. So to conclude, step outside your comfort zone and be alert to opportunities. You need to be self aware. And sometimes you can't wait for opportunity to land in your lap. You need to go after it my beautiful people. So on that note, I hope there are some really nice lessons in there. I've got an interview coming up for the next podcast from one of the top 100 leaders in the country in business. And he's just he you know I could have talked this topic with him because the opportunities this man has done and taken and gone after is phenomenal. I can't wait to bring that interview to you and get into it some more. But you know for now, I wish you all safety, good health, good wealth, and everything else in between. And hopefully you'll be listening back into me on the next podcast. Take time and take care