My Life Not Yours

7 days

November 27, 2023 Tina Jean Season 4 Episode 75

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Holidaying in Cape Verde was a blast but it was so much more than sun, sea and eating. Lean in and listen about my adventures over 7 days from fraternising with the deck crew to witnessing poverty at it’s lowest. 



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Hey, what's up my beautiful people? Yes, I am back. And I think I promised you a bit of a time with me being away, because I've just got back from a seven day trip in Cape Verde. And so it was always my intention to set three trips for 2023. I've achieved two of them to long haul, which I'm really pleased with Cape Verde. And in September, you remember, I went to America, so that's all good. And I'm pleased because they were long haul. I always feel that I don't get away enough. And so I get caught in that trap of if I don't go, if sorry, if I go on holiday, I don't get paid. And actually, everybody needs a break. So this particular trip plans with my god daughter's mum was an interesting one. Because originally the idea was to go away with my goddaughter for a birthday with her mum, she was messing around so much, that she ended up going away with her friends. And I said to her mom, why don't we just go away? That'd be just cool. All right. So we did. And we planned this trip from August. And I knew that I was mentally and physically tired. So a totally relaxing holiday what was needed, and especially following my time in the States. Now, if I'm sound sounding a little bit nasally, which seems to be a regular occurrence with me, it's because I've come back is pretty cold, and I was in 32 degree heat for seven days. So without further ado, Cape Verde. It's always a place I wanted to venture to. But I kind of put it on the backburner a little bit, because I've understood that it's not very much to do. There's not very much to do there. But it's not far from West Africa. The people are absolutely beautiful. speak Portuguese broken Portuguese Creole. So a lot of Portuguese ago, they love it because they speak their lingo. And but actually, even though there wasn't loads to do, and because we wanted to relax, it was the locals that made that holiday for me for us. They were absolutely lovely.


I love the book, the buzz of booking a holiday. But the reality when it starts creeping up, and it's really weird that days before we were leaving, I was just all I could think about was packing. Can you believe I get in such a tizzy thinking about it. And whereas some people pack the night before they go away? Not me. You're talking probably five days before. So the reality of which is the packing becomes a nightmare. And I was in a client's office a few days before and I was talking about it. And this girl said to me, why don't you get packing cubes, they will revolutionise your packing for what does she mean? So she told me about these cubes that are basically a set of nylon, zip kind of wallet boxes, things that you can put inside your suitcase that makes everything a lot more neater and compact. And I feel that I'm a pretty good Packer once I know what the hell I'm taking. But I thought let me try this. So I always roll my clothes, I stick underwear inside shoes, all that kind of shenanigans. You know, the usual. Listen, let me tell you people, these packing cubes revolutionised my packing. I managed to squash up so much stuff and everything was really neat. And what I think they're particularly good for when you go to these countries and they want to search your suitcase and everything falls out. They aren't falling out with this because you've got everything in individual cubes. You've even got a bag for washing dirty washing. Although, to be fair, I had so much that there weren't enough cubes for that, but it was brilliant. And then the other thing that happens with me when I go abroad is suitcases. So I go into my loft to get my suitcase down and I think it's one week Tina, how much do you need? I've got this beautiful set of antlers, suitcases, and I'm thinking it's not going to go in there. So I have my pull on which I always take on the plane that has my personal stuff because I learned the hard way years ago when I went to America on Christmas Eve and they lost my luggage and everything was in there. There were Christmas presents when I was buying presents at the time, jewellery, all these kinds of effects and I was literally devastated. Luckily, I got the bag back the next day the suitcase rather, but it taught me something you always keep some underwear and all that kind of stuff in your luggage, your hand luggage and anything personal that you think that could go missing and you'd be devastated by. So having told you all of that rigmarole. I'm I nearly bought a new suitcase thinking the one that I had wasn't big enough and let me tell you people, I've got a lot of suitcases. I've got an obsession with suitcases. I'll never forget when this plumber who was looking upstairs in my loft for some water stuff, water tank or whatever, said, Oh, you've got you like suitcases and teen. I said, yeah, there are a few out there. And just to rationalise what, why? What people don't realise when you buy a suitcase, especially a hard one, you have to check the weight of that suitcase without anything in it. And what happened is, I was used to go for these beautiful looking suitcases, not check the weight. And then by the time I put closing it out, I was always having heavy labels slapped on my suitcase. I've never been overcharged for a suitcase. Sorry, not overcharged. I've never been charged for being overweight. And it's funny because my god daughter's mom had said she weighed her suitcase. I don't do any of that shit. I just get on with it and just see what happens. If especially if someone's coming with with me, they're always going to be lighter than me anyway, so it balances out doesn't it because you come as a pair. Anyway, I finally packed and then it was my goddaughter telling me that I'm a bit bougie when it comes to travel because I want to take a cab or I want someone to drop me. So there was another shenanigans around taxis versus a lift versus public transport. And to be fair to her, I was pleasantly surprised. So in London, we've got a few airports, but the one that I usually go from is Gatwick for kind of mid to short haul flights. To give it some perspective, if I left my house and I drove to Gatwick, it's probably taken me just over an hour. And that's with medium traffic and then parking or not parking or whatever, or getting the lift. We went on the train. So from my house, to the airport, took door to door 45 minutes. And that was taking a cab to a train station at God knows what time in the morning. And then I'm getting on the train. And it was good. It was quick from my house. So I may sir come and do that again. But, you know, on the way back, it wasn't so nice for me because it was late when we got in we were sprinting to get the train and all this kind of shenanigans. I felt almost that I'd undone the relaxation plus I had a cold. Anyway. The other side of this holiday was then package holidays, which a lot of people don't like to do on comme si comme SAO with that because I think you don't have to stay within the rules. So Cape Verde literally is run by a company in the UK called tui. They are the only ones that really fly there. And people have nicknamed the island to eat verde which is quite funny because you just see blue planes with a you know their logo on it and everything is all inclusive, which for me all inclusive is not what it used to be back in the day where you get good drinks, good food, it's just not great. But as I said to my travel partner, look, we can eat out we don't have to stay in the hotel. Let's do some nice little trips. Let's get to know the island. So arriving on the plane. I love it because I'm such a voyeur. I'm nosey a bit of a socialite, a bit of an extrovert in terms of that, but then I do retreat into myself. And it was good on the plane. Because again, little tips people, when they say about extra leg room and they want you to charge they want to charge you for it. We didn't do any of that. But when I got to check in I sweet talk to the person who was checking me in and guess what we had some of the best seats in the house. So you know, I just feel that is a bit of a racketeering business at the moment with travel where they will charge you to sit in the seat, which they literally are plus, you know, stretch your legs out, add your luggage, pay for food, especially with tui you don't get food unless you're going on an over a an eight hour flight. Bearing in mind that to travel to Cape Verde from London is about five and a half hours. I was I couldn't believe you didn't get anything free. Not a red cent not even a meant to suck to take off. Anyway, get to Cape Verde first impressions nice hotel. It reminded me when we saw the people we had a bit of a giggle of cocoon where all the old people are enjoying life before they die. There were a lot of older adults there. But we kept telling ourselves okay, we won't be partying till six in the morning. We're here to relax. The only thing I felt about the hotel were there are a couple of things that they need to to back upon. And this is to anybody from the media group which is a Spanish Hotel Group m e l i A III need to up your game. It's not so we paid pitons for this holiday. So imagine you get there We check in at reception. Here's your key to your room key who has keys to a room anymore? Listen is going to get to the point when you open your front door, it's going to be card. And people have got that already key, and they only give you one. So imagine I have to coordinate with my travel partner the whole way through this trip. When are you going to be in? Or are you going to do something else and I'm not It was ridiculous. Because they said if you want a second key, that means the cleaner can't clean your room because that's the one that cleaner uses. I couldn't believe it. Now this would have freaked everybody out. Internet Wi Fi or Wi Fi was appalling. However, as most of you know about me, I take a digital detox sometimes. So you know, hotel tour to go in Cape Verde on the island of Seoul, which is where we were saying you need to up your game a little bit. Keys, internet Wi Fi. And it was it was a funny sight, right? Because the only places where you could get Wi Fi internet you couldn't get so for the whole time I couldn't get any internet at all is up by the reception area. So you just see hordes of people head down, not talking on their phones, different times of the day, especially at night, and in the morning. Gen Zed, you would never ever survive something like that.


The other thing I hate is this Brits abroad mentality. In fact, it's not just Britain anymore. It's all the European countries, people up at the crack of dawn to put towels on some beds to reserve their burning spot for the day, I'm going to call it they want to burn all day long to get brown. And you know the joke about it is look at the time of year, my people, no one's going to see your tan apart from your face because nothing else comes out. It's so freakin cold. But I'm covered up. But I went black. And I loved it. But I'm peeling now so it's not good, my skin's a bit dry. So I need to sort that out. But on the whole, it was lovely lying in the sun for X amount of hours a day. And then just jumping in the pool or going down to the beach. A beach was lovely. But you know, you always get sand in places you really don't want that sand to go. But it is beautiful. It was a buffet restaurant, all inclusive drinks. They were quite big. And you know, these packaged, all inclusive deals come at a price. But is it all? Great? I'd say no. I felt like I was part of this cult entertainment at night which you know, we watch some of it it was to support the the locals really doing what they were doing, who worked in the hotels, which I will come on to what I did love about this hotel, the inclusivity for people with a disability, wheelchair access. There were loads of people on those motor scooters, though I think some people were just lazy, if I'm honest with you, you know, I'm seeing these people running around, and I'm looking at them. And I know this is really bad. But I'm seeing people that I just thought you could do with a little walk rather than sitting in that scooter going everywhere. I just I don't know. I think my travel partner who listens to this is going to burst out laughing because I had a bit of an issue with it out there. Sure, Tina, there may be a hidden disability or illness that you can't see, which I accept. But I just felt that people were on these things. And just when they got off it and walked to go and eat they were fine. You know what I mean? Anyway, as I said, we're tui, big, big package giant, they've got the monopoly on the island from a branding. But what I really did love is the foundations they support over 25,025 Sorry, foundations in Cape Verde which is poor, they employ local people. They know everything about living conditions and and the wages etc. Because we found out about it on a tour and this part of Africa is is poor. The average wage is in euros, 150 euros a month, my people 7000 pounds a year, everybody who's listening in from another country and have to work it out and your money is not great. But the people the kindness and I think for the from the tours what I loved I felt part of the locale and as opposed to part of the group apart from one guy that was on our tour, who was taking pictures of the not so desirable living areas that people lived in I thought can you just put your phone down you don't need to be taking a picture of what we call or as I know as a shantytown, however, I think that it really made me think about how humble these people are and grateful they were. Everything is imported to Cape Verde, apart from fish and salt. So that is their own equity. And imagine we went somewhere and there was a beach house. Oh my god, the view was amazing for 55 euros now, obviously we didn't see inside it. We didn't see the condition of it. We didn't know what it was like. But for me 55 euros to have your little holiday home. But it will come at a price, right? If you can have and be living sort of own natural you don't you're not bothered about the internet. You know, things may go down at some point. So for example, and I was going to pick this up later, when lockdown happened. We were talking to this lovely guy on the last day called Bernard who was selling watersports and stuff. And I said, What did you do during lockdown? And he said, Oh, my God, that's a good question. What did we do? Remember, they import everything. The island is SAO there are 10 islands in Cape Verde. And SAO is one of the most touristy ones. That's where all the locals come into work. It's when lockdown happened, they had to go back to the areas of living. The capital of Cape Verde is called asparagus. Not spelled as in the vegetable, asparagus, but beginning with an E. And they said it was hard. Unfortunately, we couldn't get to really interrogate him because I thought there must have been some drops of food that were coming in by plane for them or something because they have nothing. There was nothing there. They couldn't earn any money. It was It must have been appalling. But we had to go and get our coach to get back to the airport. Otherwise, I'd have really interrogated him. So did you get help? So that was that was really quite sad. But you know, the beach house thing for me? Yes, I could do 55,000 euros, I guess. Right? It's not much. It's not much at all. But there is nothing to do there. And I'd want a little bit more the people I met. I'm talking outside the locals now. I'm talking about people that I just get talking to at breakfast. I don't know people seem to gravitate towards me in holiday. And I've been told I've got a resting bitchface a lot.


Yeah, I know. I've got a resting bitchface. But when it comes to going abroad, I talk to everybody and everybody always wants to talk to me. So my travel partner actually thought, you know, you're quite an extrovert, I'm more introverted, but we bounced off each other really well. So I met some jordiz that I just got married. We met a couple of people I know it was I think it was the jaw. No, it wasn't they were from London because the guy worked at Gatwick Airport. So he felt like he's going. He was coming home to go to Cape Verde. It was really weird when he arrived at the airport. But he said this is the first time I'm doing a flight over two hours. I'm just I really couldn't believe it. But I guess there are. And some people, we've got to remember that when they go on holiday. Some people are very comfortable going to the same place every single year. And the thought of long haul, they may not like it or they just don't want to do it or don't want to experience anything than what they used to. There were families out there who wanted to engage with us. And for me, it was breaking down stereotypes about black people on a lounger as well because some people don't think that we like to sit in the sun, we don't need to that's why I can walk people for burning like a chip. Because you know, they want to get brown but they're gonna go back to really bad weather. It always makes me laugh on a serious note one night, me and travel partner, Goddaughters mum went out into Santa Maria, which is the main kind of hub town, the main kind of hub town, where everybody goes lots of tourists, etcetera, etcetera. And we thought let's go out for a meal. We knew we wanted to go out we weren't going to stay in the hotel because actually, the meal at dinner time was becoming unbearable. And also, they didn't put the air conditioning on in this huge restaurant. And then if you wanted to go to another restaurant in the hotel premises, you have to line up at 11 o'clock and book it it was just the whole system was a bit shite really. So anyway, we go into Santa Maria was sitting down it's called the culture cafe. Remember that? Nice fish everything fresh. And remember what I said about fish and salt? Well, in a general term, I would say some of their food is a bit too salty for me. I don't use much salt at home, but there seems to be salt over everything. Even the fish I got was it was fresh, a bit salty so I couldn't finish it. On the other hand, my friend managed to finish all of hers and really enjoyed it. But next to our table, and I'm gonna sound really prudish here. There's this young black girl that looks no older than 22. I could have that wrong because listen, let me tell you, the black women out there look absolutely stunning. And what we found out is well, just to give you a little bit more history is they go to school for half a day. They can leave school at 14 and it's You know, fight or flight in terms of employment, right? Because it's all tourism based, most of it. Most of the people that had the restaurants out there were Portuguese. So they've obviously come over and set it up and the black people are working for the Portuguese, or you've got all the Senegalese sellers, or you're hustling and doing things like that, or you're a fisherman, so the opportunities to make money and to be employed is really difficult. Which leads me on to this young black girl walks in with his really old, blubbering, white man sits at a table and I turned to my friend and said, Oh, God, no, please, please. And you know, as I've been telling this story, people have said, but you must have seen the kind of prostitution and whatever before I have, but not in a restaurant on a table, literally where I could touch her hand. So she's he orders. Before I say she's eating, she ordered, he ordered, sorry, lobster, a bottle of wine. And you can see that she's trying to get accustomed to this way of eating lobster. For God's sake. That's the most expensive thing on the menu, and then a glass a bottle of white wine, which he barely touched, but he was certainly given her son. So she was eating, she could probably see me watching her and talking to my friend. And it was all a bit odd because I just felt so unnerved by the whole thing. I can't tell you, I couldn't actually concentrate. So I started talking to another couple who just got married. They were from a Nordic country. I can't remember which one. I think it was Nordic. And they were giving us some tips for tours and stuff. But I kept seeing this girl at the corner of my eye. So when she's finished her meal, now she moves around to the side of him and starts kissing him at that point, thank goodness, I'd finished my meal. And I said to my friend, can we go now? No. She said, Do you want to go? And I said, Yeah, I can't. I can't watch this. I just cannot watch it. And I felt so distressed by it. Anyway, moving on, because I'll come back to them. There was a couple that we met on the tool from Hemel Hempstead in the UK who have five children older couple. He used to clean chicken farms and his past the business onto his son. And I thought what an interesting career and they were just lovely. They were in their 70s. It was like the Waltons, you remember that programme that used to be on TV called The Waltons. And they'd been married 52 years and was so happy. And I just felt that we can learn so much from our elders. And what was interesting. They said, Oh, we're going away for Christmas as well. They're going to stay with some friends. And they were just lovely. Because we were on this tour when we went to the salt lakes. And the salt lakes is somewhere where the soul is 27%. And you float and just see them he he held her hand. He helped her take off a little sundress before she got in a costume into the Salt Lake. It was just um, I think I'm just an old romantic and it was just beautiful to see this couple doing that. And I felt I'm never gonna have that I even if I meet someone now, I'm not going to be with them. 52 years is not going to happen. So to see somebody that's raised five children, they are great, great, grand parents, I think. And you know, I said to them, you're going to be buying Christmas presents, Surely not. And they said he turned around I said, Oh no, the wife always get some more something. They see them every week. I just loved it. It was just so beautiful. So for those who don't like the grandparents and whatever, anything with elders, please, we can learn a lot from our elders. Sometimes they may come out of things we might not, you know, like but I just enjoyed them so much and the Salt Lake's people was absolutely amazing. I had to say to people watch out. Marge Simpson from The Simpsons is coming in. The reason why I called myself Marge Simpson. I'd worked out with my goddaughter that because I've got locks you can't get your locks wet all the time because you have to then wash it it takes ages to dry. So I bought this fantastic soul cap big up big up this company has done the soul caps which were made particularly for black people with long hair and looks like me so you can put all your locks up in this really great cap. And my friend said Tina hack and when we got to the Salt Lake, we're walking down and she said how can I support you? Because she's a fantastic physiotherapist. So she helps people all the time. And, and it was just so sweet when she said that because how can I support you get this thing on your head sort of thing. That's what she was implying. So we've got this thing on my head. And I did look like a black Marge Simpson and particularly as I've gone so dark as well. But when we got in that Salt Lake beware, do not touch your eyes, and do not open your gob because honestly, the salt was insane. Sweet. floated, it was lovely honestly, I could have meditated in there and just floated forever. It was that nice. And we when we got out of the water, we decided we weren't going to take a shower shower, and leave it on us because it makes your skin really, really soft. So that was really, really cool. And then the other


trip was. So that was part of the big tour, which was really nice. You saw the whole island. And it's interesting that they've got no crime on the island itself. So when they showed us the prison, which wasn't that far from where people lived, it looked like this beautiful fortress. I can't explain it. But most of most people that were in that prison were from the other neighbouring nine islands, one of which I know is called Boa Vista. There were other ones those are the south and Bovisa are the two main ones that tourists go to. The other one was a catamaran, again, the kindness of the staff, the feeling of being free education, letting go conversations with strangers, value for money with all those warm and fuzzy words that I like to use in terms of the two patriots that we did. And whilst it was booked with one of the biggest trusted package holiday giants, although I don't think that was the case during COVID. I did love meeting locals talking about them. When I was on these tours. So I break off me and my friend, we'll have a little chat. And fact we did a few on our own anyway. The other thing was meeting people who were friends at the hotel, sorry, people who were friends and they come on holiday together, they were this couple who were dentists, and had been buddies since university and decided they wanted to go away together. One was absolutely trolleyed I drunk one night falling over. But and she was more interested check this out in investing in stray cats that were ill, and maybe dogs to the point where she took this ill cat to the vet, me and my friend looked at each other and thought, we need to put it into perspective. Here. We got people, we got children begging for money. Who can barely survive until the tour is rolling. And yet you're gonna go and save the cat, Beast versus humans springs to mind maybe? I don't know. I don't know. It was weird that when I thought but you know, each their own. The staff at the hotel were absolutely fantastic. So a big up to staff at the hotel tour to go me and my friend wanted to do our bit before we left. Because the tour guide said to us, the people may not have much in Cape Verde or Cabo Verde, as I often say. But they have smiles, humility and kindness. And to think how much they could earn which was nothing. We decided with our leftover euros, which we had quite a lot that we would give five euros each to some of the people that have been really nice to us. They waited on us giving us extra volumes of drink in our glasses, etc. And so we did this on the last night before we left and I think people must have got word round thinking there's a Father Christmas hanging out handing out euros because at breakfast next day somebody sent you remember me My name's there's a mirror. And I'm thinking is there's a mirror? Oh yeah, days sorry, Daisy mirror, beautiful little girl. She must have been one of the young ones. But we'd already handed up most of our money them. So that was kind of funny. But there was another really great guy called Antonio, older guy. And it was so lovely to see him employ because he must have been, I would say close to 70 or late 60s. No Wi Fi well, so he said, and he was so kind and helpful. And he was unemployed from eight till 4pm every day to help people in the reception area to make sure they knew where they could go to get the beach towel and all this kind of shenanigans. So I had asked him one day, whether he could recommend some restaurants, how much a cab driver would be because obviously you don't want to get ripped off. And you have to kind of agree what you're going to pay but it was all perfect. But it was so funny because he came one day really excited and he said can you rate me on TripAdvisor? And I said what he said Yeah, I want to be the supervisor at the restaurant now for him that will be more money right so he's already on crap money as I've just said to you earlier seven grand a year or 150 euros a month imagine I couldn't even know my eyes get out of bed for that I at anyway it's all relative right? And so I rated the hotel on TripAdvisor I gave it a bit of a three and a half to be honest with you because the internet the car that the sorry the keys for the the rooms was shit. I felt the cleanliness sometimes the cleaner that we had I know she tried her best but there was a little test in my bathroom. Of which by the way either too bedroom apartment two bathrooms, it was great for someone when you haven't been away with someone before. It was just nice to have that privacy. You can do whatever you want in the bathroom be as messy as you want. You've got your own bedroom and whatever, I think it might have been a different ballgame because actually, I was sick on the way out and she got sick halfway through the trips. So it wouldn't have been pleasant. If we were sharing rooms at all just on that alone. And you don't know each other's habits. Let's be real. We're adults, people. I actually want my own room. I don't care if I'm going away with a friend. And so I've been a friend with you from childhood. And we spent copious amounts of times together, things change, whether it be apparently I snore, especially after red wine, so he wants to sleep through that. Anyway, I digress. I did the Trip Advisor. And I really do hope that he got his supervisor role, we will never know. So, Antonio, I know you won't listen to this, but thank you for being so kind. And so smiley, and so helpful. And I just believe that when some people go on holiday with an attitude, I don't and I always get the best out of the locals because I take time to talk to them. I take time to be in the locale. And I know that particularly when people go on and do these all inclusive, they never come off. I've spoken to people before, especially in Cuba, have you enjoyed Cuba? Oh, what did you like about it? I don't know. We haven't been at the hotel. I just don't get it. I don't get it. What I will say we're Cape Verde, I think is becoming the second Benidorm type place. You know, there were Brett's there that were saying, Yeah, we're coming back in four months time. And the reason being Yeah, they can get the food because you can get English food anywhere, right? And in the hotel. There always be something for everybody. But it's the sunshine is all year round. This year alone, they've had five days rain. That's nothing. Can you believe we missed the rain on the morning that we were leaving. I don't know what happened cuz we didn't sleep all night because we were both coughing. But it did actually have a bit of a monsoon rain, but we missed it. But then someone has said five days rain, that's all they've had. And it's arid, it's dry, but the sun shines. The coldest month is probably February at 28 degrees. So that's why you're getting them abroad all the time now. So if you put I can get me English food. And it's you know, it's not cheap Cape Verde men because everything's imported, but they can get cheap food and they can get sunshine and they can get liquor. That's all they want. We saw people drinking beer at 10 o'clock or nine o'clock in the morning, as soon as they finished putting their bloody towels on the beds. They were up there having breakfast are seven and drinking beer by nine o'clock some of them. So yeah, but it's not just it's not just the Brits, to be fair, you've got the nodes. There were Germans out there, everybody, the Europeans. Another nice one that I think was a taxi driver called Erickson, who we took a trip to a beautiful shipping village called Palm Maria. And it was 45 euros there and back. And we said we agreed the price with him before he's outside the hotel. And we said that we give you 20 now and with the rest so that you make sure they come back. But he was so trusting. He said no, you pay me when you come back, you take my whatsapp. And when we arrive at the place, then you could tell me when you're ready to go home. I just thought was lovely. And when we were speaking to him, his mum now lives in France. But for him to get a visa to get off the island is 1000 pounds because he wants to go to France and with his mum. I don't know what happened. I think she was there. And then she's gone there because I think he's got family all over the place. So the family have bought him this taxi. And then he had decided he wants to go live in France. But 1000 pound people remember what I've told you on average what they earn a year, the taxi drivers probably earn a little bit more, but it won't be much. So we gave them a nice big tip and asked for the Senegalese they seem to be everywhere and hustling which makes sense. But it was interesting to hear some of the people that the tour is complaining about being hassled and I said you just smile say no and keep moving. They know you see me that resting bitchface comes in handy you know when I say no don't ask me again whether I want to buy something from your mom's house that everybody's got the same mom's house and senate in the same crappy goods. Anyway, I move on as I draw into quite a long time talking about this holiday but it was it was special to me is black people out there. They're poor. I couldn't stand it when somebody said you hear these people from the third world that doesn't exist my beautiful people second and third world what is that? What What do you mean by second and third world stop being manipulated by media saying there's a third world there isn't no third world I think all came from feed the world and the famine and in different parts. It's always in Africa or something like that. Right? That's all you see. And then you think this is a third world situation when it's not in we are one world there are just some countries that have been robbed of so much from way back when we have been left destitute. That's what I'm gonna say in simple terms.


So lessons learned on this trip. Seven days for me is enough on an island that is barren, arid, hot with not a lot to do. And one that imports everything aside from fish and sold, which means is expensive compared to other countries. One tour guide said, the people have little, but their kindness and smiles make up for everything they don't have. And I totally agree with that. Literally, there is no crime on this island. So that is something you could all consider going support go over there on a holiday. There's no crime. Those who live the simple life are so much happier than us that can access everything. In fact, the more that we have, the more we want. And you know, Black Friday, this just happened in the UK because of Thanksgiving in the US, as told me that people will just Buy and buy for the sake of it. And actually the Black Friday deals are usually quite crap. The thought of limited Wi Fi will piss a lot of people off but think of it as a detox. And sometimes it is good unless you know that you need to be in touch with something urgently. You don't need to be looking at your phone. And people lambaste me for it here Tina, I tried calling you but your phone was off. Yeah, I purposely turned it on mother that digital detox. Another big lesson learned was the airport shenanigans. Listen, we'd complain about Gatwick and queuing and whatever which actually was quite bad on the way out for Gatwick point of view security was just ridiculous shoes off them as when asked you to strip naked. However, Cape Verde, you had three passport checks. And I just didn't get it. I just didn't get it at all to be honest with you. But you know what? It is what it is you got two people check in literally hundreds of people coming into the airport. So be warned. And usually you know, you might get a little bit of delayed flight. Check out the reviews on TripAdvisor before you travel anywhere. I would say I think TripAdvisor is a good barometer and look for the bad reviews. Not just the good reviews. I'm more determined now to live my life in the sun for X amount of months of the year because I like it being back here. Now. Now to wrap up when I get out of bed wrap up and think about what I'm wearing when I go outside is not me as an adult and going away with someone you've never been away with before. separate bedrooms is a must. It gets my thumbs up. However you will pay a price but I think is a good price to pay. I can't be playing about with privacy and all that kind of stuff and personal boundaries because it means a lot to me now. I want to know I can run around in my room naked. I want to know I can if I want to go to the toilet, I'm not putting the toilet seat down. I don't have to lambaste you. I mean that is a big thing of mine putting the toilet seat down and what I learned about that was COVID when they said I know code wasn't living in the toilets, but I think I picked it up around that time. You know when you flush your toilet, think about the amount of things that fly out of the toilet while it's flushing people put the toilet seat down it just looks so much better. That's what you got lid four put the lid down on your toilet seat and keep those germs at bay in there and clean it as well and always look behind you because I've got another bugbear but that's a whole different thing. I absolutely love going away and my goddaughter is Mum, I hope she will enjoy me again. I'm quite happy as well to go on a single travel thing but again single travel again like two bedroom apartments they will cost you more money but it has been worth it. I just need to get rid of this nasally pneus now ignore all the Christmas stuff that's going on because I know you're all getting ready for that so I will pop out a couple more podcasts before Christmas but please take care of yourself and if you haven't booked a break it doesn't need to be something like COVID Verde which is five and a half hours away. It can be somewhere else but the sun it makes all the difference. I loved it and winter sun particularly it's a long time since I've been away at this time of year. I really did enjoy myself. So on that note my beautiful people take take take good care of yourself until the next time